Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Just the Five of Us!

Well, This is my first official post. My Thirteen year old daughter has been blogging for months and has been trying to coach me into doing the same.  I used the excuse, I don't have time, but really its a matter of priorities and balance. So... this blog is the result of my creative and persistent co-blogger and daughter over at dezzysblogerificblog.blogspot.com. Enjoy!

I would like to introduce the 5 of us to fellow bloggers abroad. My name is Stephanie and I have the wonderful privilege of being married to a godly man named Jason. He works very hard and is a wonderful husband, father and provider to us. We are so blessed to have him.  A few years ago I felt the Lord calling me to go a different direction with my life and family.. He was calling me to be a keeper at home. My wonderful husband agreed, though the reality of surviving on one income was definitely a leap of faith. It has been two years now and our God has been faithful to supply all our needs.

In addition to being a stay at home mom, the Lord also lead me to began homeschooling my oldest daughter, Destiny (13). She was just about to enter middle school and we had been praying about this for quite some time. When the reality of actually doing so set in, we all had our share of fear and reluctance. We were even discourage by many of our friends and family...  Pressing on in faith, I believe it was one of the best decisions we ever made. This next year we are planning to also began homeschooling our son, Gavin (7). He has been in a public school and is extremely anxious about this new adventure... Last year the Lord blessed us with another son, Grant (1).  Lord willing, he will never enter the doors of a public school.

So, here we all are, taking small steps of faith each year on this journey through life together. I cant wait to see what God has in store for us next! In doing this blog, I hope to share our faith and be of encouragement to others along the way.


1 comment:

  1. Great post! I can't wait to read your next one!!!!

    Destiny *Dezzy*
