Saturday, July 30, 2011

Summers End....

Sighs..... Wow, Summer sure has flown by hasn't it?  Here in Alabama, public schools are starting back on August 16th. We have decided as a family to not start back till after Labor Day. We have been enjoying the summer's warmth and staying cool by playing in as much water as we possibly can.

Here are a few pictures of my little ones enjoying a wade
pool and slip n slide in the front yard.

As you can see.. We love the water around here. We also have a splash pad near our house that we frequent.  It is a popular attraction in our town. Did I mention its totally FREE.

While I'm totally sad that summer is coming to an end, I welcome the structure that the school year brings. I love not only teaching my children but also learning with them. These years sure do fly by and I know one day, Im gonna miss this.....



  1. hey, i have met people who dont like hugs. but i mostly hug my family too. its also creepy when someone wants to hug you aand you say no then they give you a hug anyway. but i still hug mostly family. kelsey

  2. August 8th is wayy to early to start school! ;) I am homeschooled and my big sister goes to public school and my mom has us start the same time as she does- early September.

  3. Kels, I've never rejected a hug, that might come off rude. I just rarely initiate them with strangers. I heard a sermon at church tonight that made me wonder if Im not loving people enough. Hugs are a good thing and sometimes we just need them. Ya know?

    Arianna, I was mistaken! School does not start back here till the 16th. However, this will be my first year to homeschool ALL our children so its nice to have the choice of starting back later if we so desire. I hope you have a great school year!
