Wednesday, May 25, 2011

All in a Day - Open House - Family Room

Our Family Room truly is...just that! This is the room where we invest most of our time together. As you can see, we have an open floor plan so the Kitchen and Living Room are sort of combined. The looks of this room have changed so much since I began my homeschooling journey. Im even quite tempted to bring the tack and white board in here simply for the convenience. Its central in our home, it conveys our family our beliefs an our lives.  I tried to straighten up a tad for you guys, so come on in :)

This is what my Family Room looks like on most days, we like to let the sun in!

Now for a closer look...

Thanks for visiting... If you'd like to link up with us, follow the link below to see what you need to do.

Here is the list of blogs that are linking with us:
Carrie @ Our Full House
Monica @ Natural Mama
Renee @ Bakers Dozen


  1. Great family room! I love that big mirror. It loooks very cozy and homey! :)

  2. Lovely home...Your couch reminds me of mine. It is sitting in storage. I miss that cozy old thing.
