Wednesday, May 25, 2011

All in a Day - Open House - Family Room

Our Family Room truly is...just that! This is the room where we invest most of our time together. As you can see, we have an open floor plan so the Kitchen and Living Room are sort of combined. The looks of this room have changed so much since I began my homeschooling journey. Im even quite tempted to bring the tack and white board in here simply for the convenience. Its central in our home, it conveys our family our beliefs an our lives.  I tried to straighten up a tad for you guys, so come on in :)

This is what my Family Room looks like on most days, we like to let the sun in!

Now for a closer look...

Thanks for visiting... If you'd like to link up with us, follow the link below to see what you need to do.

Here is the list of blogs that are linking with us:
Carrie @ Our Full House
Monica @ Natural Mama
Renee @ Bakers Dozen

You can Pray!!

 As I sat at my computer screen this morning the headlines all read of the deadly tornado's across our states. My heart truly sank as I read of a mom and her 3 children that were badly injured in last nights storms. It told of how they were trapped under all the debris in each others arms and how one child was ripped from there grips and is still missing!!!! Can you imagine?? I hope none of us ever have to.


 Please take a moment this morning to pray for the numerous family's whom are hurting this morning. Then look around you and thank God for all the blessing that you do have... You have shelter, you have food, you have power, you have your children, you have transportation, you have life. Most importantly,you have the power to pray on their behalf, and they need our prayers.


Wednesday, May 18, 2011

CUTE Blog Party!!!

 My daughter is having a cute blog party with lots of prizes over at her place. Check it out

pretty on PURPLE blog party!

  • Favorite thing about summer? warmer weather and water fun
  • Twilight fan?  Ive enjoyed the series but agree they are not very family friendly.
  • Favorite quote? I dont know about my fav.. but I like this one! "Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what your gonna get" , you know from Forest Gump. LOL
  • Best thing that has ever happened to you? When I accepted Christ :)
  • Think of every place in the world possible... which of those places would you go to? Caribbean Islands
  • Favorite food? Mexican
  • What type of music do you like? Contemporary Christian
  • Flipflops, bare feet, heels, or flats?  flip-flops or barefoot!
  • Skirts or jeans? Skirt
  • Fresh or saltwater?  Fresh, though I do love the Ocean.
  • Skittles or M&Ms? I would have to say M&Ms.... frozen :) (agrees w/ Dez on this!
  • are you a morning person or more of a night person? Morning.
  • So, your best friend is talking to a new girl in school... the new girl asks who you are... what do you think your best friend says? um, I dont know. This is Steph (gosh I love her?)
  • Gotta tic? ya know, biting your nails, scrunching your nose, etc? Biting my nails... horrible!
  • Pen or pencil? No preference :)
  • Paper or plastic? Paper... I have a gazillion lil plastic baggies.. they never end!
That was fun Dezzy.... I just love your blog!!!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

I'm entering :)

My daughter is hosting a photo challenge and I wanted to enter!

The theme is Flower(s)

What do you think?
Theme: Flowers

Alabama Tornado Relief Efforts

Through all the destruction and devastation, God's people are coming together in so many area's and in so many ways. This past week our family had the opportunity to participate in giving back to the ones who lost so much... I  liked this idea because it was geared toward the kids.  It was sort of like the Samaritan Purse organization. Each of your children would prepare an age appropriate box filled with toys, games, puzzles, coloring books, crayons, snacks, shampoo, soap, toothpaste, hair brushes and the likes.... These children lost everything and to be able to give them something they can call there own again was a willing cause. May God continue to bless and meet the needs of all the storm victims.

Here is some pictures of the box we prepared

As you can see my son decorated the box and we included a card to personalize it a bit.... Awwww.

Here are pictures of all the boxes gathered, being sorted.


Mount Olive Elementary collected enough supplies to provide for 3 of the local area schools who were affect by the storms. We felt so blessed to be a part of this cause. The needs are so overwhelming, I encourage you all to do what you can.

I joined  

                                                           to share this story with you.


Welcome to Our Home

I am so excited to welcome you into my home today. Each Wednesday, All in a Day bloggers will be sharing a room or two of their homes with you. What a great time to see how other families organize, arrange and decorate! We would love for you to link up with us. Take a picture of the entryway to your home and post it on your blog. Come join us...

I love our home... I came from a family whom never really had the means to live in a house. After living in a trailer for 10 years of my married life the Lord graciously bless us with this house, "Our Home".

I remember when we first moved in, how huge it seemed in comparison, though its not, a mere 1300 sq ft. It was perfect, and still is!!  Well.... aside from the massive hike to the top of the stairs each day. LOL

Stay tuned, I look forward to sharing the rest of our home with you each week! 

Here is the list of blogs that are linking with us:
Carrie @ Our Full House
Monica @ Natural Mama
Renee @ Bakers Dozen

Thursday, May 5, 2011

I just gotta say....

I love this ladies blog... She is so transparent and real and her story is so inspiring..

Here is just a lil peek into her testimony:


Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Did you know...

At first, people observed Mother's Day by attending church, writing letters to their mothers, and eventually, by sending cards, presents, and flowers. With the increasing gift-giving activity associated with Mother's Day, Anna Jarvis became enraged. She believed that the day's sentiment was being sacrificed at the expense of greed and profit. In 1923 she filed a lawsuit to stop a Mother's Day festival, and was even arrested for disturbing the peace at a convention selling carnations for a war mother's group. Before her death in 1948, Jarvis is said to have confessed that she regretted ever starting the mother's day tradition.

Despite Jarvis's misgivings, Mother's Day has flourished in the United States. In fact, the second Sunday of May has become the most popular day of the year to dine out, and telephone lines record their highest traffic, as sons and daughters everywhere take advantage of this day to honor and to express appreciation of their mothers.

I found this rather interesting and I have to somewhat agree with Jarvis's opinion. To me, and I'm sure many other moms out there, Mothers day is not about material things at all.  When I was asked by my husband and children what I wanted for Mothers day this year, my reply was what it always is. "Please don't spend any money on me". All I want is their love, honor, respect, appreciation, and recognition of the sacrifices that we as mothers willingly make for our families. Its just a special day to allow them to show their love in an endearing way. Honestly, if all I got was a gift without any of the above... I'd be quite disappointed.

I hope your Mothers day leaves each and every one of you feeling very much loved and appreciated, in what ever way that might mean to you.

This is a something my daughter gave me outta the blue one day. Can you imagine how 
honored I felt? It's truly the little things in life that mean the most. 

Here is the list of blogs that are linking with us:

Carrie @ Our Full House
Christi @ Where the Creek Meets the Lake
Elizabeth@ Yes They’re All Ours
Kathy @ Kathy Mom of Many 
Kristy @ Little Natural Cottage
Lori @ Happy Busy Mama
Monica @ Natural Mama
Renee @ Bakers Dozen


Tuesday, May 3, 2011

I'd say... SUCCESS!!!

Okay... some of you may know by reading my daughter's blog, that we went to a coupon class about a month ago. Since then, we have been diligently surfing the web, clipping and sorting coupons galore. This was my first real trip to see how much an average shopper could really save.

All the items on my table, at regular price, would have cost me $ 64.33
I paid $16.99
That's a savings of 75%

Lets look at it from this perspective: 48 items for 35 cents each!!!

2 - bags of frozen vegetables
2- dish-washing liquids
9- bars of soap
10- rolls of paper towels
12- double (24) rolls of toilet paper
2- 2 liter drinks
5- deodorants
3- body washes
2- toothpastes
1- baby shampoo

I don't want to mislead anyone though. I got a lot more than this at the store that day. My total out of pocket bill was around $200.00 and I had $50 in coupons alone. The picture above only includes the big sale or free items that I purchased  from CVS and Walmart.  Im pleased, 50 bucks is 50 bucks.

Happy Shopping. It really is a lot more fun when your saving money. 
