Friday, April 8, 2011

Keepin up....

   How does one do it? I'll be one of the first to admit, I struggle with managing my time. Some days can be very laid back and ever so relaxing, yet others are quite rushed. I like neither of the two actually. Id prefer somewhere in the middle. :)

  Each spring always bring its fair share of business for us. We have 2 children in ball at different parks and a baby that happily tags along on these busy days. Lucky for us, he is an outdoor baby, as most are! My DH has just taken on a new job and on most nights does not get home till 6 or after. The children and I are literally on the go with ball 5 days a week. If not practicing, one or sometimes both of them are usually playing a game. Mix this in with an already busy schedule and it can get pretty chaotic.

   I have found that keeping a calendar is a life saver. It has defiantly become a must for me and keeps us all organized, on time and most importantly, where we are supposed to be when we are supposed to be there. I just use the old fashion paper pin up calendars and hang it right next to my computer.  Ive tried a small calendar that I place in my purse, but I never looked at it. Ive considered using an online calendar but not sure if that would work for me either. What about you, how do you stay organized, any suggestions.?

Have a blessed day, we have a busy one ahead.


  1. hahaha thank you but looks can be so deceiving. I try, its a work in progress.

  2. My mom writes anything and everything down on a calender too... it is so full by the end of the month!

  3. Calendars are a life saver and so are post-it door notes ( things that are very priority posted at the door) so that on the way out the door you get one last reminder ....When I was raising the babes I also shared carpooling with 1 or 2 other reliable moms ....You are doing just fine and remember not to overload your childrens plates with too many activities ....Praise the LORD for solid christian trying to live one day at a time !!!!

  4. Haha.... yeah! I should add "Do a blog post" to my calendar, huh?
